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How to Diagnose Problems in JIRA

· One min read
Roy Russo

New Docs How-To Section

We recently added a new section to our online documentation called How-To. This section is designed to help you get the most out of NitroIQ by providing you with step-by-step instructions on how to use NitroIQ to diagnose and address common problems in Jira and developer performance.

The How-To section is broken down into distinct categories that mirror the functionality in the application. For example, if you are having issues with issue churn, you can navigate to the Diagnosing Issue Churn page to learn how to use NitroIQ to diagnose and address issue churn.

Future plans are to have these How-To articles linked directly from the application itself, so that you can quickly access them when you need them in the context of the application page you are on.