Getting Around
This page covers navigating and filtering views within the NitroIQ appplication.
The application is accessible from within the top menu Apps dropdown in JIRA.
The left navigation sidebar contains all of the pages available to your instance of the application.
Use this navigation bar to navigate between pages.
Filtering Board and Sprints
Most pages will contain a Board and Sprint filter at the very top that allows you to load data for Sprint belonging to a particular board.
When loading the Last N Sprints, the page may refresh, as we analyze all of the newly-loaded data for the sprint.
NitroIQ will only load boards that contain Scrum-style boards. Board that are of a different type, such as Kanban, will not be displayed!
Filtering Users
Some pages allow you to further filter down the tables and charts that comprise the page by an individual JIRA Member. Look for this selector on the top-right of the pages.
Once the page is filtered, all items on it will be scoped to that individual. Even scorecards will be assigned to this single member, as well as all other computations on the page.